Thursday, 17 June 2010


So today we covered 0 miles by bike. Marianna drove us to a nearby town where we walked around for a bit then had ice creams in an ice-cafe. And when I say ice creams I mean creations born from ice cream, cream, bits of fruit and various tooth rotting and spare tyre building sauces, assembled and presented so as to prove irresistable to children of all ages. Tasted good too!

Other than that there was a dog walk, some meals, route planning, snacking. Day fillers, but the time passed quickly. The dog here, if it was smart enough to know it, would realise how lucky it was at dog walk time. Most dogs get to piss on grotty pavements or if they are lucky, a park. This dog goes up the road for two or three houses, the road becomes a dirt track and before it knows it, it's on the hill above the village with zero cars, just miles and miles of rolling hills, all as green as you could hope for - but possibly fewer other dog smells!


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